The CBT & Counselling Practice

Fees & FAQ. question mark

Fees and Frequently Asked Questions

Sessions usually last one hour.
The first consultation is normally reserved for a detailed discussion of the issue of concern and of gathering whatever information is relevant about you and the history of the presenting issue. In return I will fully brief you on any proposed therapy and its implications and agree with you its duration and likely cost. I will explain what is required to do over this period and satisfy any questions that you may have with any aspect of the ongoing relationship.

During the subsequent consultations I will have drawn up a treatment plan for completing the therapy within the agreed time.
This treatment plan, in addition to our sessions, may include "homework" tasks such as keeping records of behaviour or changes.
The client's commitment to undertaking these tasks is essential to the successful outcome of the treatment.

Once the agreed number of sessions is complete I will review the current position with you and we can then decide whether or not there is any requirement for extending the programme. The decision is entirely with you. The therapeutic process is entirely voluntary and will cease whenever you wish.

Age group I provide treatment for
I only provide treatment to adult clients.

My fee for a one hour session is £80, payable at the time of the session either cash, by cheque or bank transfer.

A 24 hours notice of cancellation is required. If a client cancels within this period, they will be charged for the session. This policy does not apply to exceptional circumstances such as medical emergencies.

Working hours
I work Monday to Friday from 8.00 am till 3 pm (last appointment starts at 2 pm).

Clients can contact me directly. I also receive referrals from EAP's (Employee Assistance Programs), Rehabilitation Agencies, GP's, Psychiatrist's and I am recognised by many private health insurance providers.

Code of Ethic
I adhere to the BABCP Ethic for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Clients will at al times be treated with respect and discretion and the whole relationship will be treated as confidential.

I have regular and appropriate professional supervision because good therapeutic practise requires that the regular supervision of cases is undertaken. Supervision can be seen as a form of quality control and a way of ensuring that therapeutic standards are maintained.

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